microRNAAbundance [m] v.2.1.0 (current)

Long form: microRNAAbundance() Short form: m()

microRNAAbundance(ns:v) or m(ns:v) denotes the abundance of the processed, functional microRNA designated by the value +v+ in the namespace +ns+.

Function Signatures

microRNAAbundance(NSArg, loc()?, var()*)
  1. Namespace argument of following type(s): Micro_RNA

  2. Zero or one of each function(s): location

  3. Zero or more of each function(s): variant

microRNAAbundance(fus(), loc()?, var()*)
  1. One of following function(s): fusion

  2. Zero or one of each function(s): location

  3. Zero or more of each function(s): variant



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